Cake Sale 2018
Thanks to all the children, parents and grandparents for supporting the cake sale and sending in such delicious homemade treats. 5th and...

Active Week
As part of Active Week the children engaged in a range of activities including a number of dances from GoNoodle, Operation Transformation...

Cake Sale Treats!
The children in first and second class really enjoyed all the delicious treats that they bought at the cake sale recently. Thank you to...

STEM Showcase
We recently invited fourth class into our classroom for some Maths and Science activities. They were split into groups and they...

Visit from an Engineer
Engineers’ Week - By Jessica and Tara On Tuesday the 20th of March, 5th and 6th class had Mr.Gerard Ronayne, a Civil Engineer visit our...

School Tour 2018
3rd and 4th Class tour went on their school tour on Friday 4th May. They travelled to Galway where they went to Galway Aquarium for a...