Sunny Days
Third and Fourth class were making the most of the nice weather and our beautiful surroundings here in Barnacarroll. On Friday 5th May...

Something smells fruity!
We had great fun learning how to make fruit kebabs! They were delicious!

Class Trip
Yesterday, Wednesday 29th March, 3rd and 4th Class enjoyed a lovely class trip to the Museum of Country Life in Turlough. We are not...

Ceol, ceol, ceol!
Seachtain na Gaeilge atá ann agus tá a lán rudaà le d éanamh againn i rang a trà agus a ceathair. Inniu bhà ceolchoirm againn sa seomra...

Sow and Grow
Third and Fourth class are taking part in a programme called Sow and Grow. We have planted runner beans, baby carrots and cress seeds. ...

This is Us
We have finished putting together our personal timelines. We gathered photographs of ourselves and put them in chronological order. We...

Water Wizardry
We experimented as to whether or not substances would dissolve in water. We took 6 jars per group and half filled each with water. We...

Sounds great!
We made some simple poems more interesting by adding sounds to them. We used vocal and body percussion and a selection of percussion...

Junior Quiz Team are tops :)
Four children from fourth class represented the school as members of our Junior Quiz Team, in The Credit Union Schools Quiz on Sunday...

Space Explorers
We have been learning about Space. We learned a song about the eight planets in our Solar System. Look at our aliens orbiting our planets.