2020 Calendars
The children in fifth and sixth class made calendars in Art today. They will have no excuses now for not being organised!!

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019
Bhà go leor imeachtaà againn ar scoil le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019. Bhà Tráth na gCeist ag na páistà ó Rang a trà go Rang a sé....

JEP 2019
This year, 5th and 6th class pupils are taking part in the Junior Entrepreneur Program (JEP). This program is for young entrepreneurs to...

Preparing our sales pitch
On the morning of Dragon's Den, the groups put the finishing touches to their presentations for the three Dragons. It was an exciting day...

Internet Safety Day 2019
Today at school 5th and 6th class learned about internet safety. We watched some videos and talked about how to keep our social media...

A Winter Wonderland
We experienced the first snowfall of the winter last week. 5th and 6th class pupils were not afraid to brave the cold weather and have...

We learned the poem 'Winter Morning' by Ogden Nash last week. Take a look at our responses to this poem through Art. We thought the...

Mayo Science Challenge
We are participating in the Mayo Science challenge to celebrate Science week. The challenge is to design a bridge using 25 straws and 3...

Halloween Fun
Check out the scary witches, vampires, ghosts and zombies from 5th and 6th class! Have a look at some of our halloween decorations also...

Maths Week 2018
We enjoyed working together on some fun maths activities to celebrate Maths Week. We worked on some puzzles and problems and we used the...