Credit Union Competition
We love to participate in the annual credit union competition. This year's theme is 'The Force of Nature'. Here is a sample of our...

Welcome back to our blog!
It's been a busy few weeks here in 5th and 6th. We've been working hard in the classroom and we have also enjoyed some days away, our...

School Tour 2018
On the first of June, 5th and 6th class went on our school tour to Lough Key Forest Park and the Arigna Mines. It was the best school...

An engaging novel - The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
5th and 6th class loved reading this novel. Take a look at some of our responses to the novel - in written and art form. We hope you like...

Science Week 2017
This week, we worked hard in our groups on a Science challenge. Using only craft sticks and elastic bands, our task was to design a raft...

We baked our own potatoes......yum!
We have grown potatoes in our school garden. On Friday 29th September we baked some of the potatoes. We borrowed an oven from the After...

Football fun!
Here is our Mini-7s Girls' team who were in action last week in the Centre of Excellence. Here are some pictures of our warm up.

School Tour to Petersburg Adventure Centre
A fantastic day of fun in the beautiful sunshine!

JEP Showcase Day
We had a great day in the McWilliam this week for the Junior Entrepreneur Programme Showcase Day. Thanks to CMS Kiltimagh for sponsoring...