Seachtain na Gaeilge
The children had a great time on Wednesday. They made a huge effort dressing up in green, white and orange to celebrate being Irish! ...

New Year Resolutions!
First and Second class have made a number of resolutions for the year ahead! Happy New Year!!

Floating and Sinking Experiments.
The children in first and second class had great fun experimenting in Science this week. They investigated whether different objects...

Science Week 2017 - First and Second Class Science Experiments
The children in first and second class had great fun today. They used salt and water to make eggs float. They also carried out a fun...

Something smells fruity!
We had great fun learning how to make fruit kebabs! They were delicious!

We LOVE Art!
We had great fun with all sorts of Art activities over the last few months....what do you think? Click on the button to see more pictures.