Halloween Art
Second and third class have been busy decorating their classroom for Halloween! Look at their scary skeletons and freaky frankensteins!

Half Portraits
Second and Third class drew half portraits in Art last week. I think they all did a fantastic job! Well done!

Butterfly Metamorphosis
The children in first and second class watched caterpillars change into chrysalides and then emerge as beautiful Painted Lady...

First Holy Communion 2018!
Congratulations to the children in second class who made their First Holy Communion on Sunday the 27th of May. The children were...

School Tour!
First and Second class went on their school tour last Friday, the 1st of June. We went to a Let's Go School Tour in the Sports Arena at...

School Tour!
More photos from first and second classes school tour!

Sports Day 2018.
We had lots of fun today at Sports Day. The sprints, three-legged races and sack races were so much fun! It was a lovely warm day and we...

Active Week
As part of Active Week the children engaged in a range of activities including a number of dances from GoNoodle, Operation Transformation...

Cake Sale Treats!
The children in first and second class really enjoyed all the delicious treats that they bought at the cake sale recently. Thank you to...

Starburst Hearts
First and Second class created their own starburst hearts!