The Dragons had their say!
Today was a busy day for us. We were nervous and excited as we welcomed the three dragons to our classroom. All five groups impressed the...

JEP 2017 - We mean business!
We are participating in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) this year. We are enjoying working in groups on our business ideas. We...

We love being active!
From Hip-Hop to Hurling, we love getting active in Barnacarroll! Here are just a few photos of the many activities we enjoy. Hip Hop in...

Barnacarroll Quiz teams doing us proud!
Here are two teams that recently represented our school. Deacon, Amber, Alanna and Jack participated in the Credit Union quiz last...

Rang a 6 i dTráth na gCeist
Ghlac Rang a 6 páirt i dtráth na gCeist i 'Mount Saint Micheal's' ar an Luan. Tháinig an fhoireann seo sa trÃú háit. Thaitin sé go mór linn!

Christmas Cards
We hope you like the Christmas cards that we designed in school recently. We enjoyed getting creative and we also raised money for our...

Making Volcanoes
Recently we had great fun creating our volcanoes - we have loads of them to share with you - which one is your favourite? Click on the...

Let it snow...let it snow!
We have some excellent pictures of snow to share with you.....Click on the button to see more pictures.

We love Art!
There are many works of art on display in our class - these are just a small sample.....

Seniors Love Maths Games
The pupils in Fifth and Sixth Classes love playing Maths games!