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School Tour 2018

On the first of June, 5th and 6th class went on our school tour to Lough Key Forest Park and the Arigna Mines. It was the best school tour ever! In the morning, we met at 8:15am to depart from the school. We arrived at Lough Key Forest Park just before 10am. After we arrived, the instructors took us through the initiation and showed us how to use our harnesses.

Soon after the initiation, we started the excitement of the zip-lines!! We stayed on the zip-lines for four hours, that tested our agility and bravery!

When we departed Zip it, we travelled 30 minutes to get to Arigna Mines. Before the tour started, we watched a historical DVD about the mines. After that we put a hard hat on before taking the journey through the mines. Our tour guide was Michael, a former employee of the mines. Throughout the tour, Michael delivered some interesting messages as he told us about the harsh mining conditions. We even set off fake explosions in the mines!

I really enjoyed the school tour and would love to go again.

By Alana, Eila and Tara ☺

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